Speaking test
- What is your full name?
- Can I see your ID?
- Where are you from?
- Do you work or study?
- What do you do?
- Why did you choose this job?
- What will you do in the future?
- What color do you like? Why?
- What color is popular among your friends? Why?
- What color won’t you decorate the walls of your room with? Why?
- Do you like chocolate?
- Did you also like chocolate as a child?
- Do you think most people like chocolate? Why?
Cue Card
Describe a piece of equipment that is essential for you in everyday use. Please say
- What is it?
- Why is it important to you?
- How often do you use it during the day?
- Who else in your family uses this equipment?
- What other equipment do you have at home?
- What is the future of machines or robots, in your opinion?
- Describe the advantages of industrial robotic and automation systems.
- Do you think having robots in our houses would be beneficial?
- Do you think robots will take our jobs in the future?
آیلتس تضمینی ، کلاس خصوصی آیلتس ، آموزش آیلتس آنلاین